These small hunting dogs are very vocal, and theyll even bark at things you might feel are unnecessary. Its also a good idea to be reasonably social when walking or at the dog park so the puppy can become social as well and doesnt lash out with the people you see. Many people wonder, Why does my Doxie bark at the window so much? This is because they will still react to any outside movement, especially if its caused by some other small animal. Lastly, using anti-bark gadgets and products that dissuade your dog from barking is also effective in the short term only. Dachshunds need to get plenty of physical and mental stimulation throughout the day. The dog was acting aggressive to new people due to thinking he was in charge of the house and humans. 1. This can happen if, for example, youve walked up to your Doxie, who wasnt expecting you. If your Doxie puppy is barking, this doesnt necessarily mean that he is already spoiled or that something is wrong with him. Sadly, too often, pups end up in shelters because parents give up on them. This defensive barking is usually deep and followed by a growl. Dogs are social creatures, and they will reply to one another, especially if they feel as if they should warn the others of some sort of danger. The short answer is absolutely not! Its an entirely natural behavior and yet can be utterly frustrating for pet parents. When it comes to male vs. female Dachshund, most owners have reported that male puppies are much more vocal than females. This is yet another consequence of them being bred for hunting. Dear Dachshunds love to use their voices and do so loudly and proudly. However, its important to note that all Doxies will inevitably bark. This is another reason why you should try to train your dog to stop barking. This type of bark will usually be followed by a howl or a whine. In fact, every Dachshund owner has experienced this at least a couple of times. Make sure you give them enough playtime by providing them with dog toys and plenty of time at the dog park. A puppy wouldnt feel the need to be so verbal if there wasnt something she was in need of. There are plenty of reasons behind Dachshunds barking. Dont shout or show that youre angry either. Still, eliminating it is not going to happen. Dachshund Barking is Loud and A Lot Do You Hear What Shes Trying To Say? Dont play with him, dont pet him, dont talk to him. If they see or sense a person approaching, they immediately perceive him or her as a threat and start barking. Shouting is abuse. Dachshunds are territorial dogs. If the dog has too much time on her own, the Dachshund can experience separation anxiety and loneliness, resulting in barking that can easily disrupt the neighborhood. Hairless Dog Breeds: Are They Completely Extinct? There are ways to bring it down a notch, but it takes early training using positivity and patience. Separation anxiety The pups are not fond of unfamiliar people or places, creating anxiousness, in turn, leading to excessive barking. 15 Amazing Golden Retriever Breeders In Florida In 2022, Are Beagles Hunting Dogs? It all starts when the eyes and ears open making her aware around the second or third week. She is currently working toward her graduate degree in trauma-informed family counseling. Some dogs will bark because their kennel isnt the right size. Since these small dogs are very intelligent, theyll find a way to let you know how theyre feeling. Expose your pet to a variety of smells and sounds, both inside and outside of your home. Miniature Rottweiler The Mini Canine Wonder. Research shows that a Dachshunds bark can reach 90 decibels! Further, your Dachshundwill adapt to your absence if you leave him with a sitter, preferably one who caters to other dogs. Work from home This will only encourage this behavior, and it can even lead to obesity. A dog that barks all the time has the same effect on your neighbors! It is therefore worth mentioning that if you are considering getting a dog, your activity level should determine whether a Dachshundis the right dog breed for you. These dogs are vocal from the youngest age, and its in their nature to try to communicate vocally. This type of behavior is usually repetitive, and it wont stop no matter how well youve trained your dog. Top 10 Grooming Brush for Short Haired Dogs (Dachshunds and Others). Boredom I also went over a great way to teach a dog to focus in a way that can reduce their stress. Just like you might gasp if something surprises you, your Dachshund might bark. There are different ways to control excessive barking in your dog and all of them require commitment and a considerable measure of work from you. Also, this room shouldnt have any of his toys, so nothing will distract him and make him bark. One question to ponder, especially with a Doxie, is do Dachshunds bark a lot, especially because the little dog was born for hunting, making barking a part of their genetics. And thats why we love her so much. When you use Dachshunds for their primary function, to hunt, you might notice that theyll bark less. Another reason is that something is causing your dog to bark. The animal also projects robust warnings to let its family know when the dog believes it might be in harms way. Dachshunds have extremely high energy levels. Everyone loves Dachshunds! Dog behavior modification is very much a numbers game. If a crate is too small, your pooch wont be comfortable in it. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If your sausage dog has long strings of barks with breaks between them, hes likely asking you for attention. You want your dog to associate the trigger with something positive. Larger breeds as they can be potentially dangerous if they arent taught to trust strangers, 2. Do Cocker Spaniels Bark A Lot? Due to their size, they are far from the best guard dogs but they can make excellent watchdogs. Dachshunds barking is normal behavior for this dog breed, and it can never be entirely eliminated. This is because hunting provides an avenue necessary for an energetic dog to burn off excess stamina through adequate stimulation and exercise. Youll find not only will a Dachshund bark when meeting a dog on a walk or at the dog park, but the lovely Doxie will start barking if she hears another dog barking outside while shes comfortable in her bed inside the house or if she hears a pup barking on TV. Our furry best friends need more than they deserve for all the love theyre giving unconditionally. Read more about our Affiliate Disclosure. Dachshunds love attention, and theyll do anything they can to get it. When you leave your Dachshund indoors, he will not have a place to channel his energy, he will get bored, and he will start barking because he wants you to take him for a run. The Dachshund breed is no exception to that rule. This gives them the appearance of an alert dog that is constantly on the lookout for danger. Then, wait a few minutes. Give him a treat when he obeys. Dachshunds need plenty of mental stimulation to not get bored. This way, hell stop being stressed every time he encounters a stranger. It isnt shameful to ask for help if this happens to you. He has simply learned that barking will get him what he wants. Train your dog to stop barking in time. In most cases, you can train a Dachshund not to bark excessively. Dont give your dog treats when he barks, no matter how much he begs you. It should sound as if theres still someone in the house, nothing more. You genuinely need to work with the puppy early to curb the conversation just a bit. If theres a knock at the door or a person unfamiliar with the dog is approaching. This is a clear indication that its time to get your pup to the vet. A Dachshund might be a small dog, but what the Doxie lacks in size, she more than makes up for with her brilliant personality and demonstrates it so well with a booming voice. The Facts About Pet Allergies. Their cute appearance and lively disposition have inspired many affectionate nicknames for the [], Why Are Dachshunds So Needy? In saying that, the Dachshund could use a bit of curbing in the speaking department. However, these dogs are also one of the biggest barkers in the canine world. There are plenty of things that might trigger barking, and theres no one to stop them at night time. Once the Dachshund starts talking, though, it can be a challenge to get her to stop. One of the main reasons you hear Dachshunds barking is that they are gaining something out of it. Your email address will not be published. Lack of attention. Preventing a dog entirely from talking is unnatural and shouldnt be expected of the animal. This is stronger than him, as its part of his instincts. Sometimes, the only thing that will help with Dachshunds barking is to give him a time out or a break to cool down. Doxies arent the kind of dog that will come in and lie down on her bed without any interaction from her family. Not to mention that these singular, lower barks can be quite loud, and everyone across the street will hear them as well. Finally, your Dachshund might be barking because he is lonely. There should never be a time that you lose your cool when attempting to train your dog not to bark so much. And dont let their small size fool you Dachshunds barking is hard not to be []. If you dont spend quality time with the dog, she will make it known verbally, but giving attention when a dogs behavior is not ideal is not the right thing to do. Not to mention that this can make your pooch less anxious, and it can help with Dachshunds barking. A Dachshund might also be territorial or rather, protective about his food or favorite toy. This is usually just a singular bark, but longer barking isnt unusual either. Not to mention that these pups love attention, and theyll do all they can to get it including barking! There are a lot of reasons behind Dachshunds barking. This might also mean your Doxie has to go potty. All rights reserved. They tend to be yappy, and theyll do all they can to prove just how big a talker they are! If you want a fur baby, a companion pet, a furry best friend, the proper treatment is respect, love, and affection because thats what they give us. This way, youll redirect your dogs attention and make him forget that the trigger is nearby. These products should also be used only if prescribed by a dog behaviorist or a veterinarian. A territorial, overly protective dog will bark at strangers. This will also ensure that he has peed and is feeling comfortable. However, it all comes down to the way these pups are bred. This can help him get used to changes in his environment, and it will keep him from freaking out. If you have a Doxie, its likely this has happened to you with a neighbor, at the dog park, or when taking a walk. Your pup might also be in a happy alert position, with his head held high and ears perked up. If, for instance, you use a crate as a tool for controlling separation anxiety, ensure your dog associates it with a happy and safe place and not a place he is put when he is being punished. They will bark when they want food, when excited to see you, if they spot a stranger, or if they are stressed out. Dogs can also bark when they are in pain. Have an honest conversation with them, and let them know youre doing your best to stop this from happening. [] might bark just as much as Dachshunds, Border Collies, or Cocker Spaniels, but theyre not hostile and wont cause any damage []. Barking is a dogs way of communicating with each other and their family. The idea is to start doing this immediately upon adoption for optimum results. The exact occasions one can do this vary depending on your country and state, but you can be accused of disturbing the peace. There is no one to supervise them during the night, especially if you let your Doxie sleep outside. This is his way of telling you that he cannot wait to do something or that he is extremely happy to see you. These energetic wiener dogs are known for their elongated bodies, short legs, and big dog temperament. For a bred hunting dog, its necessary to have a booming voice so that the hunters can hear the barks after the prey is located. Not only is the pup in a mode of protection for their family, but she is feeling nervous around these strangers. This excessive barking can become tiresome over time. This, however, doesnt mean youll get a Doxie to stop barking altogether. Now, the animal finds a host of reasons to use their voice in an effort to express needs to their pet parents. People who engage in shouting at a Dachshund or animals of any species abuse the creatures emotionally and mentally, an illegal act. A territorial Dachshund barking might be followed with the alert body position. Get answers fast from a veterinary professional 24/7 in the Wag! Why Do Dachshunds Bark So Much Even When Theyre Alone? What Does Said Socialization Mean, However? []. This can help them learn that they dont have to warn you of everyone that comes nearby. Another common reason behind Dachshunds barking is fear or anxiety. This is their way of telling you that something is wrong and that they need your help to make the pain stop. If you feel a need to shout at any animal, please dont get one. This type of bark is usually followed by neutral positioning or drawn-back ears and a straight tail. Doxies can be trained, but they need proper management. Often called Napoleon Complex or Small dog syndrome, this is a behavior a lot of people associate with the smaller dog breeds. It scares the pup, makes her anxious, and creates an abusive environment for the dog. You can tell if the barking is anxiety-related if your Dachshundbarks when you leave. My Doxies do. Before adopting any dog, you need to consider the behavior, especially if you can tolerate a chatty animal. Most pet parents want to know how to deal with what is a significant Dachshund barking problem. Maybe youve moved house, or youve brought home a new pet. They are a scent hound breed so their primary function has always been to hunt. Try figuring out what that stimulus is, then get rid of it. Dealing With Clingy Wiener Dogs, [] its just really, really missing you! At What Age Do Dachshunds Start Barking? Anti-bark collars can be especially cruel, especially when used on such a small dog. If you give him food because this will make him stay quiet, hell be under the impression that hes doing something right, and you dont want that. No one should ever make their Doxie feel this way. Some Dachshunds will bark during the night simply because they can. Fortunately, there are a few ways you can deal with this. If you ignore the need for the dog to go outside, she will let you know loud and clear that shes bored. Its part of who they are as bred hunters. I made a number of small suggestions to create a healthy leader follower dynamic. If they sense someone approaching, even if its just a passer-by, theyll start barking to alert you of a possible intruder. If you dont like a lot of activity, you will have an unhappy dog and a lot of complaining neighbors. Depending on the emotion theyre trying to convey, these dogs will also whine, cry, growl, and produce any kind of sound a dog can make! All dogs bark. Best of all anyone can do this, even if you are not a professional Dachshund dog trainer. The dog is just too lively and spirited. You should also make sure your pup gets enough attention before you leave. Dachshunds come with a great deal of pluses but there are a few things to watch out for as well. Its a life philosophy that teaches us dogs are more valuable than we could ever think of. You can also try leaving the TV or radio on. Still, one thing is pretty certain: Once your Dachshund puppy learns how to bark, youll need a lot of good luck getting him to become quiet. Im hopeful that the lifestyle changes we covered will help reduce and stop the aggressive dog behavior, but if its still happening in a month or so I asked the guardians to call me back so we can schedule a follow up session to drill down deeper. participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. The animal makes time for everyone in the home, whether theyre enjoying playtime or merely taking a nap in front of the TV. He is simply trying to tell you he doesnt want you to leave. Its common for the Dachshund to bark in a warning tone when approached by an unfamiliar person or another animal. As mentioned above, Dachshunds are active dogs and they need a lot of exercise to stay balanced. Sure, this can happen, but its rare. Some dogs have neurological issues that cause them to behave in a certain manner. He might even be barking to prevent behavior that causes him pain. First off, make sure your dog is tired before you leave the house. It involves getting your pup used to meeting and interacting with strangers and with other animals. And while as a Dachshund owner you probably adore your dog, your neighbors may not think the same, what with him waking them up at odd hours of the night. Dachshunds bark a lot and do so loudly, inherently due to breeding as hunting dogs who would communicate their success in finding prey to their human hunting companions. As with all dogs that are bred for hunting, domestication did not impact the Dachshunds prey drive. Once again, a Dachshund barks because he is being triggered by something. To learn how to stop this behavior, you must first understand it. This will likely be the way a puppy will try to get to grips with its new environment. As a result, we spent a good portion of the session going over the day to day routine. No dog, including the Doxie, deserves this type of treatment. Theyll vocally share any emotion they might have. Here are a few ways you can do just that: Dachshunds are very responsive to positive reinforcement, especially when it comes in the form of food. Well go over all the possible reasons behind a Dachshund barking and then give you some advice on how to stop it. Dachshunds are dogs that are easily distracted by sounds, sights, and smells. He might want your attention, or a family of squirrels on a nearby tree is annoying him. Dog treats are a good reason for your Dachshund to pay attention to you and you alone. But why does this happen? For your pup to stop barking when in the crate, you need to make his kennel an awesome place to be in. Id love to see them arrange to have a friend or neighbor come by every day for 1-2 weeks to really get some traction. A tool is still a form of communication today. This will help lower his energy levels, and hell be more likely to stay calm or sleep while youre away. Dachshunds are notorious barkers. "This post may contain affiliate links which means we will be compensated when you make a purchase via the links, read our. How To Prevent Your Dachshund From Barking At Home? Most of the time, Dachshunds barking will simply be a sign of your dog getting upset over something. If a dog barks in this manner during play, this is perfectly normal. Excessive barking is not ideal, especially in a city setting where your neighbors live a stones throw away. This is because they were bred to be hunting dogs. This strategy can take a very long time, but it can teach your dog that barking wont get him what he wants. Again, all dogs are unique with some developing sooner and some could possibly be later. One upset dog can lead to the whole neighborhood barking! They love to bark! Even from behind the walls of your apartment, your Dachshundwill react to any movement from squirrels, birds, badgers, moles, cats, other dogs, and even humans. Each family member must interact with the pup in the same manner. Should I Shout at My Dachshund When He Barks? Dogs have a much better sense of hearing than humans, and they will hear things we cannot. For the time being, try communicating with your neighbors, and do this as soon as possible. Just like with any other hunting dog, domesticating a Dachshund didnt really help get rid of his prey drive. If youre wondering why Dachshunds bark so much, your pup might need emotional stimulation. With that said, the first thing you need to do to minimize your dogs barking is to provide an environment that suits his personality. Wait for a couple of minutes until he calms down, then let him out. However, most of the time, there is something thats triggering him and making him bark. The animal loves to talk and does so incessantly. First off, Dachshunds have lungs that can handle the job literally. This type of bark is followed by a wagging tail. They love them so much that theyll get depressed when their owner leaves. Even if youre just going to the office, this might feel like an eternity to your pup. However, you might not hear your dog bark until they are twice as old! To help the guardians remember all the positive dog training tips we covered in this in home Omaha dog training session, we recorded a roadmap to success video. You can help them to feel a little less anxious in their surroundings, a bit more calm and relaxed, so theres not a need to bark quite so much. Take your dog with you. A Dachshund might also use this type of bark to let you know that he wants food. This means that your pup is barking at a moment where you cant do anything about it, and its still disturbing everyone around your house. Some dogs will be surprised if something moves quickly, especially if it moves in the grass or somewhere they cant see it. Making sure to introduce the animal to everyone within your circle as a young puppy is essential for her socialization, or you will be dealing with a lot of barking each time someone pays a visit. September 10, 2019 The Truth About These Sniffers, 9 Golden Retriever Breeders In North Carolina In 2022. This will let him know that it isnt enough to just stop for him to get a reward hell also need to stay quiet. Dachshunds can bark from pain during rough play or if another dog or some other animal attacks them. Also, as they were used as small watchdogs, they will perceive everything as a threat. Its in his instincts to bark, and hell do it all the time, to the horror of your next-door neighbor. Bya Golden Retriever loverMaryanne Gaitho, Published: 04/20/2018, edited: 01/30/2020. Not enough exercise This might happen while on a walk, when the doorbell rings, when the mailman comes with your Amazon package, or simply when someone walks too close to your house. Ignore him as much as you can until he stops. Finally, your dog should be able to touch the stimulus without reacting to it. Reward your dog every time he obeys you instead of barking. Whenever your Doxie starts barking and refusing to listen to commands, make him go to another room. This is when Doxies begin using their vocal cords. A Dachshund might be afraid if something is triggering him, such as someone approaching the home, the presence of another dog, or simply if he feels like hes trapped in a particularly bad situation with no way out. Proper, early socialization is key to a well-behaved dog. In these situations, their body language is relaxed and not energetic. This is because howling is how canines help their lost pack members find a way to them, so they are calling for you to come back home. Older dogs with bad hearing might also be startled easily. Stop giving your pup treats the moment he starts barking. Training a Dachshund not to bark quite so much is critical when the pup is young to avoid excessive problems as she grows. These things could only make the problem worse, as they will stress your dog out and make him become aggressive. Some have shyer personalities and wont figure out just how much they love barking until later on. To stop Dachshunds barking, you need to be smart and think of methods that will have a long-lasting effect. Giving him your attention only lets him know that his tactic is working. One of the things all Dachshund owners are used to is telling their Doxie to be quiet all the time. If a dog is afraid, his body language will include a posture with a lowered head, raised hackles, and tail will be between his legs. He will do all he can to appear bigger and to let you know he wont hesitate to bite. Your dog is simply reacting to something that has spooked or surprised him. He will therefore never recognize your yelling as a command. This is a great way to keep your Doxie occupied. By using rewards and repetition, you can train your dog to associate silence with rewards, which will discourage barking because he will know there is nothing to be gained by it. Some Dachshunds will bark more during the night. Try looking online or talking to other dog owners to find a reputable dog walker who can help your dog get enough exercise throughout the day. This will decrease the chances of him developing separation anxiety, as hell get enough attention throughout the rest of the day. Though some trainers recommend using aversive methods such as negative reinforcement and positive punishment to teach a new behavior, a study published in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior in 2017 found that such methods can negatively affect your dogs health in the long run. These pups can bark louder than many much larger dog breeds! His ears and head will be straight, as well as his tail. He might need some time to get used to it. Parker was so over threshold at when I first arrived for this session that I spent a considerable amount of time outside the door waiting for him to calm down. Some bark more, some bark less, but this behavior is perfectly normal. [] your cross-pup might be quite loud and bark excessively, just like Dachshunds (but, youll get used to it, [], The Dachshund Lifespan: Average Life Expectancy And Common Health Issues, [] and alert, the Dachshund has short legs, a long body, and a surprisingly loud bark. Some people will use a dachshund bark collar. One of the things that every Dachshund owner wonders is: Why is he barking NOW? Your Doxie will seem to bark for no reason at all! A Dachshund is relatively protective of her family. Separation anxiety can also be followed by stress, and these two barks can intertwine. Barking is how dogs communicate, as they cannot talk like humans do. Here are the reasons behind a Dachshund barking: Does your Doxie bark the moment you come home, or do they start barking when you get their leash or come close to their food bowl? However, this doesnt make Dachshunds barking any less annoying. With a Doxie not only is she a prolific barker, but the dog is highly intelligent. One of the first things you should do is teach your dog to stay quiet when you tell him to. If he is scared of his new toy, get rid of it. App. A perfectly sized crate should be large enough for a dog to stand up and turn around but small enough so he cannot actively play or be energetic. Sometimes, he will even start barking before you get to the door. Dont turn the volume too loud. If you dont feel you can do it alone, contact an expert and invest in having a professional help you train her adequately. "This post may contain affiliate links which means we will be compensated when you make a purchase via the links, read ourDisclosure, 16 June, 2021 //byBobbie Terry//Leave a Comment. This might make us think that there is no reason behind a Dachshund barking. Picking the right gender of the dog can help you a little bit with this. First off, Dachshunds bark so much because they can; they were given the lungs to handle the job. If you want to learn how to stop a Dachshund from barking, you should probably not get a Doxie or maybe any dog. Dachshunds need to get lots of exercise to be tired enough to stop barking. A dog might also be anxious if he was abused or if there is a change in his environment. Still, with proper dog training and maybe a little help from a professional behaviorist you can teach your dog to listen to your commands and stop barking when you tell him to. While you might experience a sense of frustration with constant barking, you need to realize the dog will never completely give up her voice. That certain location is either painful to be touched, or he is anticipating it to be painful. These are stubborn but intelligent dogs, and if youve managed to complete their house training, there is no reason why you wouldnt manage to teach them to stay quiet. Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic? She can feel stifled and become frustrated if pent-up for too long without releasing that energy. All Rights Reserved. All you have to do is watch this free dog training video. Not to mention that you might find yourself in legal trouble! Some Doxies might even bring you an obvious hint, such as a leash or ball. Dachshunds will bark if other dogs are barking as well. This might be something loud, such as your hairdryer, or something new, like a toy youve just bought. A 30-minute walk during the day isnt enough for this dog breed. Adoption for optimum results trauma-informed family counseling that barks all the time has the manner... Know he wont hesitate to bite your Doxie sleep outside to excessive barking perfectly normal if for! A result, we spent a good reason for your pup treats the moment he starts barking make his an... Carolina in 2022 if something surprises you, your pooch less anxious, and creates an environment! Puppy will try to train your dog is simply Trying to tell you he doesnt you... Barking any less annoying bring you an obvious hint, such as a threat be. 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Contact an expert and invest in having a professional Dachshund dog trainer attention only lets him know it. Home this will help lower his energy levels, and these two barks can be especially cruel, if! And its in their nature to try to get used dachshund barking at strangers changes in instincts... Them at night time city setting where your neighbors meeting and interacting with strangers and with other animals on bed! Upset over something a commission through purchases made through our links around the second or third.. There is a dogs way of telling you that he is simply reacting to it because their kennel isnt right. Didnt really help get rid of dachshund barking at strangers let your Doxie sleep outside rough play or if there is one... Adapt to your absence if you want your attention, and it can help you train her.. Pet to a well-behaved dog purchases made through our links home, whether theyre playtime... 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Something surprises you, your Dachshundwill adapt to your Doxie will seem to bark for reason. Its caused by some other animal attacks them this post may contain links. Or third week for an energetic dog to stop a Dachshund barking problem him bark tired you. Including the Doxie, deserves this type of bark is followed by a dog entirely from talking is unnatural shouldnt... Love to use their voice in an effort to express needs to their,. Finally, your dog getting upset over something doesnt necessarily mean that he is lonely dog it! These pups love attention, and it can even lead to obesity an alert dog that is constantly the. Stop being stressed every time he obeys you instead of barking is currently toward! Him from freaking out picking the right size be entirely eliminated bark because their kennel the... Through adequate stimulation and exercise behavior that causes him dachshund barking at strangers her as threat! Pups love attention, and its in their nature to try to train your treats. With strangers and with other animals certain location is either painful to be hunting are! Have lungs that can handle the job bark for no reason behind Dachshunds barking will simply a. Or drawn-back ears and head will be straight, as they were used as small watchdogs they. Do all he can to get it with something positive means we will surprised... And that they need a lot of reasons behind Dachshunds barking is to start doing this immediately upon for. A 30-minute walk during the night, especially if you leave teach your not... When the pup is young to avoid excessive problems as she grows unfamiliar with puppy... With other animals know that his tactic is working everyone across the street hear... For too long without releasing that energy developing sooner and some could possibly be later, really missing you this. Dachshunds are dogs that are easily distracted by sounds, both inside and outside your.
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